My digital diary!

Hai, I'm Mo ( ˘▽˘)っ Welcome to my pageee!!! I'm very new to coding so my awesome partner is helping me build my place! ★⌒ヽ(●’、^●)
This page is all about me and my life and my stuff!
I'm always working on getting better/adding new stuff, so stay tuned for more + check out my updates section for everything that's new
Thank you for checking us out! We're still a work in progress but I hope you like everything that I do ́₎₎̊₊♡
(Yo, what do you call an owner of a site anyway?!?!?!)

What's new?

updates updates updates!

06/23 ok im realizing i am NOT good at figuring things out at 2 am. You think id know that by now...anyway, i worked on my abt me page. I still think it's a little ugly but oh well...
06/16 ~ gah not all my lil linky buttons were working so i made the little demon slayer linky buttons? Im not sure if the placement looks cute or not but I think I like it...
06/15 ~ I've been working on my stuff (shrines) but the stuff page itself is still ugly/undone because I'm not as excited about it...the water page is going good though so I'm happy about that :) it's slowly coming together on my Me page too, but I'm running out of ideas rn!!!! TBA TBA other and completely unrelated news, I have a scholarship due today whcih is totally more important than this but not as fun...
06.13 ~ It's 3:30 AM! I AM SO TIRED. but I started working on my abt me page ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ soooo....that's good. Figured out how to do links. Also good. Mostly sleepy tho...
06.12 ~ woahhhhh im figuring out this coding thing :3 it's so cool what everyone can do on their sites!! and so fun to learn
i have FOUR whole followers and feel like a little celebrity ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡
oh but today I formatted those little pixel pics of me (mo) and overlapped 'em, then made that little gif ʅ(́ ◡◝ )ʃ, and added a scrollbox to my text over here
shoutout to my guy evan for helping me fit this text >:)